Atlantic Motorsport Park Executive Officers
President: Eric Stanley, president@atlanticmotorsportpark.ca
Vice President: Marley McKinnon, vp@atlanticmotorsportpark.ca
Treasurer: Dave Hull, treasurer@atlanticmotorsportpark.ca
Secretary: Mike McCrea, secretary@atlanticmotorsportpark.ca
For information regarding Track Rentals, please contact the President or Vice President.
Officers of the Society
Car Liaison: Chris McCrea
Motorcycle Liaison: Chad Whitehead
Solo Sport: Ming Wong
Medical/Rescue: Wayne Canfield (Medical Rescue Team on Facebook)
ARRCA Marshalling: Arlene Chase, ampmarshal@gmail.com
At Large: Stephen Lockhart, Darrin Marshall
Webmaster: webmaster@atlanticmotorsportpark.ca
For information regarding specific events at Atlantic Motorsport Park, please click on the event on the Event Schedule to be taken to the organizers website.
Mailing Address
Atlantic Motorsport Park
P.O. Box 434
Lower Sackville, Nova Scotia
B4C 2T2
Phone: (902) 758-2237