If interested in an event, please contact the event organizer:
- sARL, Society of Atlantic Road Racing League: http://atlanticroadracing.com/index.html
- ARMS, Atlantic Region Motor Sports Inc: https://www.armsinc.ca/
- TRAC, The Road Racers of Atlantic Canada: https://www.tracseries.com/
- Atlantic Time Attack: https://www.atlantictimeattack.ca/
- MHPDC, Maritime High Performance Driving Club: http://maritimehpdc.ca/
- ASCC, Atlantic Sports Car Club: http://www.ascc.ca/
- Atlantic Formula Racing Association: http://www.atlanticformularacing.com/
- BMW Club Atlantic: http://bmwclubatlantic.ca/
- Acadia Region Porsche Club of America: https://www.acadiaregionpca.org/